Secret Collagen Facial Peeling Gel

(3 customer reviews)


In elit risus, volutpat sed vestibulum sit amet, bibendum in lorem. Etiam aliquet convallis nibh at tempus. Proin gravida tincidunt egestas. Curabitur porta nibh ac enim semper, vitae pretium ante sollicitudin.

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3 reviews for Secret Collagen Facial Peeling Gel

  1. Jessy

    This is okay. Nothing I would recommend or buy again. Almost the same as a facial scrub. If you have fine, small hairs on your face while massaging this on your face it gets caught in the hair.

  2. Toni Forrester

    Took off all of my dead skin! Just last week after a facial, I was offered this exact formulation of Argan Oil Peeling Gel by Predire Paris, for $300! I swiftly said no, took a picture of the product, and came home to find it for $30 on Amazon. It is the exact same product, and this one is amazing. It really is a great addition to my skincare routine, and you only have to do it once a week. Takes off dead skin, helps dry skin tremendously, and assists with redness, I have mild Rosacea. Buy it!

  3. Nina

    So so so very happy with it! I HIGHLY recommend it with 2 thumbs up👍👍

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